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Clayton Norris, MBA, CAFM, Vice President, Aboriginal Services, MNP

Clayton Norris, MBA, CAFM, Vice President, Aboriginal Services, MNP

Clayton_Norris_05-1Clayton Norris, MBA, CAFM, is the Vice President of MNP’s Aboriginal Services. He leads the MNP Aboriginal Services team, which currently provides services in accounting and business consulting to more than 150 Aboriginal communities across Canada. Based in Calgary, Clayton works closely with First Nations and Métis communities in an advisory capacity, assisting clients in the areas of business and strategic planning, human resource issues, corporate finance, training and economic development consulting. With his extensive experience working with Aboriginal businesses and communities, Clayton understands the unique requirements of Aboriginal people. He takes great pride in being a close professional advisor to the individuals and organizations that manage and direct development within the Aboriginal community.

Clayton played a key role in the development of MNP’s Aboriginal Self-Eployment and Management Training program—customized training designed to develop business and entrepreneurial skills for Aboriginal entrepreneurs and management. Since its inception, these programs have trained more than 2,000 participants across Canada.

As a member of the AFOA Alberta Board in 2005, Clayton was awarded the Deputy Minister’s Pride and Recognition award for Excellence in Leadership. He was a member of the 2008 Governor General Leadership Conference, an active participant in the Roundtable of Economic Development with Members of Parliament, and Aboriginal and industry leaders, and took part in the Canada Public Policy Forum for Aboriginal Participation in Major Resource Projects. He has been the project team leader for a variety of management and financial advisory projects in Aboriginal communities, a speaker for numerous charities and charity events, and a volunteer with several organizations in Alberta. Clayton is a Certified Aboriginal Financial Manager (CAFM) and earned his MBA from Nottingham Trent University in England.
He is a proud member of the Métis Nation of Alberta.

Clayton shares his perspective on "The Business Rational for Improving the Financial Education of Aboriginal Communities".

Featured photo: Calgary, Alberta. Photo: Unsplash

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