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Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples®


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Indigenous Consultation and Engagement

engineers in hard hats surveying with blueprints

3 min read

Heritage Conservation Act (HCA) Transformation Project

"cultural heritage resource" means an object, a site or the location of a traditional societal practice that is of historical, cultural or...

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flags in front of the UN building

2 min read

Free, Prior, and Informed Consent - 8 Key Dates

The road to adoption of the United Nations’ Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDec) has been a rocky one for Canada. Canada did...

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thumbs up and thumbs down

1 min read

First Nation Name Dropping - Good Idea or Bad Idea?

To name drop or not to name drop... that is the question. Many people assume that it is okay to name-drop as they move from community to community in...

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country flags

4 min read

The UN Declaration and Consent-Based Consultation

The Government will move forward to introduce legislation to implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples before the...

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3 Rs on signs

3 min read

3 'R's of an Effective Indigenous Pre-Engagement Strategy

The foundation of meaningful engagement with an Indigenous community is trust. Earning that trust will take time, consistency, and transparency. The...

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Close-up of The Spirit of Haida Gwaii by Bill Reid. Photo: V.L., Flickr.

4 min read

The Duty to Consult Just Keeps on Evolving

The jurisprudence of this Court supports the view that the duty to consult and accommodate is part of a process of fair dealing and reconciliation...

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two men planning on whiteboard

3 min read

Why Pre-Engagement Research of Indigenous Communities is Important

There are many reasons for researching an Indigenous community but for the purposes of this article, we are talking about research in terms of a...

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hands on laptop

2 min read

Compilation of Resources for Indigenous Consultation

When first starting work on a project that may intersect with one or more Indigenous communities there is a mountain of background information that...

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cell phone with social media

2 min read

Value of Engaging With Indigenous Communities via Social Media

Early, respectful, transparent and consistent communication with Indigenous communities is the foundation of any good engagement strategy. In order...

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statue with scales

3 min read

Aboriginal Rights, Title and the Duty to Consult - A Primer

The doctrine of Aboriginal rights exists… because of one simple fact: when Europeans arrived in North America, Aboriginal peoples were already here,...

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