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Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples®


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Need a Job sign and unemployed person

4 min read

Higher Rates of Unemployment - #5 of 8 Key Issues

Indigenous people are the fastest-growing and youngest segment of the Canadian population. And have been for decades. Based on the 2020 Canada Census...

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8 Key Issues for Indigenous Peoples in Canada and how they relate to the Indian Act.

3 min read

8 Key Issues for Indigenous Peoples in Canada

Eight of the key issues of most significant concern for Indigenous Peoples in Canada are complex and inexorably intertwined - so much so that...

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diverse people with hands in a circle

2 min read

6 Steps to Create an Inclusive Environment for Indigenous Workers

One of the challenges to retaining Indigenous employees is that many work sites are not inclusive environments. Creating a working environment that...

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arrow pointing down

2 min read

Recession Proof Your Career With Indigenous Relations Training

In an earlier article, we took a look at why companies should protect their Indigenous relations strategy in a recession. In this article, we offer a...

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red traffic light

2 min read

8 Basic Barriers to Indigenous Employment - #1 of 3

In this article, we look at the barriers - some tangible, some not - that maintain the status quo of exorbitant rates of unemployment amongst...

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foggy unclear window

11 min read

Insight on 10 Myths About Indigenous Peoples

The definition of “myth”, according to the Oxford Canadian Dictionary, is “a widely held but false notion.” When it comes to the topic of Indigenous...

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diverse people teamwork

3 min read

Reactive vs Proactive Racial Bias Training

I was recently included in a conversation on CBC’s The Current about the efficacy of anti-bias training. The host, Anna Maria Tremonti had three...

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Plane at Victoria International Airport. Photo: Blake Handley, Flickr.

3 min read

Indigenous Relations at the Victoria International Airport

Airports - we all travel through them but how often do we actually ponder the Indigenous relations aspect of the operation? These transportation hubs...

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Coast Salish drummers

5 min read

7 Common Elements in Successful Indigenous Relations Strategies

Indigenous relations is an evolving field, especially now in light of the federal government’s commitment to negotiation on a nation-to-nation basis....

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empty office cubicles and chairs

2 min read

Indigenous Employee Retention Checklist

If you are experiencing a high turnover of Indigenous hires, then your recruitment efforts are working but your retention efforts are failing. This...

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