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Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples®


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Indian Act (3)

Sir John A MacDonald statue in Hamilton, Ontario

5 min read

10 Quotes John A. MacDonald Made About First Nations

July 1 is Canada Day, a day during which many Canadians celebrate the achievements of the founding fathers of this country. Sir John Alexander...

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St. Anthony's Indian Residential School, Onion Lake, Saskatchewan

6 min read

The Indian Act, Residential Schools and Tuberculosis Cover Up

Schools. Indian Act. R. S., c. 43, s. 1. 1884 11. The Governor in Council may make regulations, which shall have the force of law, for the committal...

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tax papers and forms

4 min read

The Indian Act and Taxes

Every year when the calendar rolls over to tax time the old refrain “Indians* don’t pay taxes” is trotted out by Canadians who truly believe the...

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4 min read

The Residential Schools Apology

On Wednesday June 11, 2008, the Prime Minister of Canada, the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, made a Statement of Apology to former students of...

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Councillor Samuel Sawanis, Chief Apin Ka-Ke-pe-ness and Councillor Senia Sak-che-ka-pow of the Caribou Lake Band, the first elected leaders of the band in Treaty. Canada. Dept. of Indian Affairs and Northern Development / Library and Archives Canada / c068948

3 min read

Indian Act and Elected Chief and Band Council System

The first thing to know about the Indian Act electoral process is that if you are chief or council, you are elected by your people, but you are...

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permit to leave the reserve

2 min read

Indian Act and the Pass System

No rebel Indians should be allowed off the Reserves without a pass signed by an I.D. official. The dangers of complications with white men will thus...

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Photograph of Antoine Bulldog of Beaver First Nation at the Boyer River Reserve, standing beside the pasture fence with his young son.

3 min read

Indian Act and the Permit System

This article is part of our series on the Indian Act and the many restrictions historically imposed on First Nations as a means of controlling them...

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permit to leave the reserve from Indian Affairs

3 min read

21 Things® You May Not Have Known About the Indian Act

The great aim of our legislation has been to do away with the tribal system and assimilate the Indian people in all respects with the other...

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Two Ojibway women from Flying Post First Nation during Treaty 9 payment ceremony at New Brunswick House, Ontario, July 1906.

2 min read

Matrimonial Real Property Act

How long do you think First Nations have been fighting against the inequitable treatment of First Nation women by federal government laws and...

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tax neon sign

2 min read

Status Indians and Taxes

It’s tax time and that means tax pain, as the television commercials say. Tax time is also the time of year that one hears the common myth that...

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