2 min read
Why Are There Stereotypes About Indigenous Peoples?
Following every training session we ask learners if they would kindly take the time to fill in a survey about the training. We find these surveys...
2 min read
Following every training session we ask learners if they would kindly take the time to fill in a survey about the training. We find these surveys...
5 min read
The Commission believes that in the coming years, media outlets and journalists will greatly influence whether or not reconciliation ultimately...
4 min read
Every year when the calendar rolls over to tax time the old refrain “Indians* don’t pay taxes” is trotted out by Canadians who truly believe the...
2 min read
Uncivil dialogue in Canada is alive and well, if only as indicated by the nature of the statements and conversations that take place in the comments...
2 min read
The right to vote is widely recognized as a fundamental human right in a democratic society and in Canada, every Canadian citizen has that right as...
3 min read
The great aim of our legislation has been to do away with the tribal system and assimilate the Indian people in all respects with the other...
4 min read
Indigenous awareness is a broad term – I know because my onsite and public workshops are dedicated to helping people understand the full extent of...
2 min read
The doctrine of Aboriginal rights exists… because of one simple fact: when Europeans arrived in North America, Aboriginal peoples were already here,...
2 min read
Canada is a country whose citizens pride themselves on their diversity and promotion of pluralism yet turn a blind eye to the continued stereotypical...
2 min read
Fifty-eight percent of young adults living on reserve in Canada have not completed high school, according to the 2011 National Household Survey...