Keisha Everson

Keisha Everson comes to ICT from the world of education. She served in Campbell River (School District 72) as a District Indigenous Language and Culture educator for 5 years, taught Kwak’wala – the language of her grandmother and ancestors – at North Island College for 2 years, and delivered workshops on Indigenous history, language, and awareness to Island Health, SD71 and 72, and the general public.
Carrying the name La̱lx̱sa̱n Dala’og̱wa from her great-grandmother, Keisha is from the Gigalga̱m ‘Walas Kwaguł of the Kwakwaka̱’wakw (Vancouver Island, Canada) and has lived on the K’omoks First Nation Indian Reserve #1 her entire life. She also has ancestral ties to the Tlingit of Tongas Valley (Alaska) and Europe, particularly the Netherlands.
Keisha finished a Master's of Education in Indigenous Language Revitalization from the University of Victoria in 2020, which followed a Bachelor of Arts (English and Greek & Roman Studies) and Bachelor of Education (Secondary). A storyteller at heart, Keisha brings her educational background and unique history to ICT to bring complex Indigenous histories to life through story.